Well it's been 2 months since I last heard from my sister, so I'm guessing she's not talking to me again. I don't think I can take much more of this. Come to think of it, I haven't heard from my father either in over a month.
When my sister was 21, she got pregnant right before I got married. I was trying to plan my wedding and at the same time trying to care for her. The baby's father was/is a skinhead. He's a racist, but even scarier than that, he's an intelligent racist. He's now a college professor.
My sister wasn't sure what she was going to do. At first she wanted to abort the baby. I'm not sure where I stand on abortion. I just know that *I* couldn't do it. But I supported her decision and because I care about her, looked into places that she could have it done. Planned on paying for it myself too, which I really struggled with.
Shortly after my wedding my sister decided that she was going to have the baby and put it up for adoption. At this point she needed to finally tell my father and her mother, but she was really scared how they would react. So I told them. Bob came with us just in case my dad got out of hand (or to scare my father into staying non-physical). My sister's bags were packed upstairs and if it hadn't of gone well she would have come to live with Bob and I. Her parents took it remarkably well and all was well.
Bob and I wanted her to know that she had other options. We talked long and hard about adopting her baby ourselves. She didn't want to do that. We told her if she wanted to, she could live with us and we'd help her to raise the baby. She didn't want to do that either. At that point I realized I needed to respect her decision and deal with the fact that I wouldn't know my niece or nephew. This was incredibly difficult, as I grew up longing for family. To think that I'd have flesh and blood out there and never know them was overwhelming. But I admired my sister for continuing with the pregnancy and giving this baby a chance.
I did what I could to support my sister, as much as she'd allow me to do. I found out I was pregnant with Joey the first week of June, 1997. I told my sister as soon as I found out, because I didn't want her to think I was hiding things from her. I was very reserved when I told her and did not tell her with the joy that we told other people. She really didn't react at all.
My niece was born the following week. My sister never called to tell me she was in labor. My father called me the next day. I went to see her in the hospital and I can't even begin to describe just how rude she was to me. I felt like she had slapped me in the face. At this point everyone, the baby's father, his parents, my father and her mother all begged her to keep the baby. I think this was the first time she ever felt like she had control over people, and she said absolutely not. She convinced the baby's father to sign the papers. I held my niece for about 5 minutes (holy tears batman, I didn't realize how much this still hurts) and then turned her back over to my father and left. My sister had been downright nasty to me and with the hormones from the pregnancy, it was more than I could take. I left there and sobbed for a long time. I kept thinking about how that was my one shot to know my niece. That would probably be the only time I ever laid eyes on her.
About a month later I called to talk to my father and she answered the phone. She asked me if I was mad at her and I told her I was. I told her how I felt like I had tried to do everything I could for her, and how the way she treated me was like a slap in the face. She apologized to me and said that I didn't understand how hard it was for her. She's right, I didn't understand how hard it was. I couldn't imagine ever giving up one of my children. I could only imagine, but I *did* imagine. I think I was very sensitive to what she was going through. I had to remind her that she wasn't the only one who this had affected. It affected all of us. I had a niece that I was never going to know. Anyway, we made peace, or so I thought. Except I never heard from her again. I was always the one who had to pick up the phone to call her, I was always making the effort and never getting anything back. And I was just tired of it.
Two months later my father told me that my sister had gone nuts and was doing things to hurt herself. She had shaved her waist length hair completely off and was bald. It had finally hit her that she had given up her child to spite people, and it hit her hard. They got her in to therapy and put her on medication.
The next month my father was supposed to come over for dinner, and he never did. It's a huge long mess of a story, but suffice it to say I didn't hear from him until the day I got home from the hospital after delivering Joey. I e-mailed him to tell him he was a grandfather and the next day he showed up at my house. He saw Joey only a few times. Joey's Christening was in June of 1998. My father came, and that was the last I heard from him until this past September. He had disappeared on me again. It was over 3 years. Last June I mailed my father an envelope with a not so nice letter in it as well as all the kids major pictures, etc. I also informed him he had a granddaughter who was almost one. I didn't hear anything for a few months, until he sent me a not so nice letter which blamed me for him disappearing. It also included pictures of my then 2 year old nephew.
Yes, my sister had gotten pregnant the year after she had my niece. Different father. She kept this baby. I think she was trying to make up for what she had done, and in her twisted way this was the way to do it.
Anyway, I (sort of) made peace with my father. And I made the decision to stop being stubborn and call my sister. I wanted to know my nephew. She and I made peace very quickly. She apologized up and down and said she had been wrong. She had been angry at me because I had told her I was pregnant at the time she had my niece (she never told me this though). After awhile she realized WHY I had told her, but she didn't know how to reach out and say she was sorry. I apologized for not being the one to call but I explained to her about how I felt about carrying our relationship. She completely understood.
All was well with her. I met my nephew, she and I reformed our relationship. It hasn't been easy. My sister is really troubled and I think she is manic depressive. She also told me she wanted to have another baby (she has no job, no boyfriend, no money and lives in her parents house. oh, and she hates my father) and there was never going to be a good time so she thought she should just do it anyway. And then in the next breath complain about how she has to get out of their house. My children adore her. She has grown a lot, and she is wonderful with children.
Anyway, two months ago she was supposed to watch Joey for me while I went to the LLL conference with Lauren. She backed out on me last minute, but I told her it was fine. I haven't heard from her since. I called her once since then, but who knows if my brother (he's a whole nother story) told her. My father went on vacation a month ago and told me he would call when he got home, and I haven't heard from him either.
I don't know how to feel. I feel like he's doing it to me for a third time (disappearing), and he knows I won't tolerate it again, because now my children are old enough to know and it affects THEM and not just me. So he knew if he did it again that there would be no more chances. As for my sister, it is honestly much easier when she's not in my life (my dad too). They're all just so troubled, and it makes my life stressful because I worry about them. But I refuse to be the one to be giving everything and getting nothing in return.
I'm sorry, this whole post is probably really disjointed. Some of it probably doesn't make sense either since the story is more involved but I needed to cut some of it or I would be writing forever. It would be easy for me to pick up the phone and not let this happen, but I kind of feel like if they don't care, why should I?