1.6 lbs. for a total of 9.4 in 3 weeks. I'll admit it, I'm bummed I didn't hit the 10 lb. mark. And yes, I'm perfectly aware that it wasn't reasonable to expect it.
I'm doing better now than I was before...I opened up my WW book for the first time and saw how much I weighed. It was literally unbelievable. After a mild coronary and a few minutes of talking with Biggie B, I'm doing a little bit better. I've still got the Why-Can't-I-Eat-What-I-Want-And-Still-Be-Thin blues, but I'll get over it. I'm doing really well. And who cares if I'm 85 by the time all the weight finally comes off. Got to turn 85 some day, might as well be a senior hottie than a senior nottie.
The quote that stuck with me this week was "If you fail to plan, you plan to fail." One of the things that I think has really kept me focused was planning our meals WAAAAY ahead of time. So on that note, here is this week's upcoming meals: Whole Wheat Pasta w/Hot Turkey Sausage; Nicke's Chicken Saltimboca; Roast Sticky Chicken; Grilled Boneless Pork Loin Chops; and I'm going to try the Smothered "Steak" (turkey) & Onions now that I'm able to taste again.
My goals for this week are to not skip breakfast and to use less salt. The only thing I really salt is my salad, but I use way more than is good for me. I'm doing great with my journaling, excellent with getting my water in, very good about eating my veggies. I've been basically eating 3 squares and 1 snack a day so I'm really pleased that I'm not constantly snacking.
My burn from Monday? My face is now a peeling, scaly mess. Lovely.