Uh oh...you better duck and take cover. My reflections on losing 30+ lbs. coming up. ;o)
When I joined WW this time around, I didn't plan on succeeding. I went because I felt like I had no other choice, that I had to at least try or I was afraid of where I'd wind up. I really felt like I was a heart attack waiting to happen. And that scared me. In the first three weeks the things that kept me motivated where the weekly weigh-ins -- I tend to drop weight rather quickly at first and being down almost 10 lbs. in 3 weeks was very motivating. The other thing that kept me going was the support I got. I feel very blessed to have the online community that I do, I really cherish the support I've gotten from many of you. I am also blessed to have the best friend in the whole wide world, who will listen to me yammer on and on about this topic and never makes me feel like I'm boring her to tears. She was there encouraging me on Week 3 when I finally opened up my weight book and saw how badly I had abused my body. She is one of the very few people who knows what that number was. She lifted me up and didn't let me dwell on the number. I don't think she has any idea how blessed I feel to have her. And if I wasn't blessed enough, I have a husband who supports me 110%. Every week he cheers my success, he tries not to let me obsess too much, he compliments me on my cooking, and he compliments me. He notices where I've lost the weight, and points it out so that I'm forced to notice it too. He doesn't ever bring home junk food, he makes a point not to eat something in front of me that he thinks I'll be drooling over, he encourages me to exercise. He makes it a point to be home for me to go work out and to attend WW meetings. And best of all, when it's all said and done...he really doesn't care. He still loved me when I was over 200 lbs. He doesn't love me any less, and he doesn't love me anymore. He's happy that I'm doing this because he knows that I'm MUCH happier with myself.
The keys to my success so far...I think I've talked about it before but oh well, I'm going to talk about it again!
Water - I drink 8-10 glasses (sometimes 12-14) of water a day. Fills me up, keeps me peeing. Enough said.
Journal - I journal every day. Yesterday I wrote the last entry in my first 12 week food diary. Today I started a new one. It keeps me really accountable and aware of what I'm eating. This is what really keeps me eating in my point range.
Eating in my Points Range - I'm not sure if this is smart or not, but this is what I've been doing and it's been working so far. I'm sure at some point in the near future I'll have to re-evaulate. On weigh-in day I eat at the very high end of my points 27+10 banked points = 37 points). I use this day to pretty much eat whatever I'm craving for dinner, whether it's pizza, chinese food or a big fat juicy burger). I eat to the high of my point range on Sunday. On Mondays-Wednesdays I eat around my mid. I eat at my low range on Thursday and Fridays. On Fridays I have very few carbs. I usually eat tuna over a salad for lunch and grilled chicken and grilled veggies or over a salad for dinner). Like I said, it may not be proper, it may not work for everybody, but for me it works for right now. I can count on one hand how many days I've gone over my points range, and it's never been more than 2 pts.
Planning my meals - I plan all my meals for the week on Sunday morning and shop Sunday night. I make sure that I choose at least 2 "easy" meals, that I can either prepare ahead or throw in the crockpot when I know we have a busy day. I cook a wide variety of food, use fresh ingredients and usually shop again in the week for veggies so they're fresh. I plan my one "free" meal and look forward to it. I try new recipes often. Really often! It keeps things interesting and I don't feel like I'm in a rut and eating the same stuff over and over again.
Eating what I love/Staying away from what I hate - I won't eat something I don't enjoy. I don't care if it's only 2 pts, if I don't like it I'm not going to eat it. I find substitutes for the things that I love or I eat the full-fat version, except I'll only have a small portion of it. My body has really changed over the past 12 weeks, and what I consider a serving now is much different (smaller) than a serving before. I can now eat a 1/2 cup of rice and be satisfied. I eat a lot more veggies. I know my tastes have changed too because I've started to eat things (and enjoy them!) that I wouldn't have touched before. I tried squash again and I liked it, go figure!
Weighing/Measuring - Yup, I still do this. I know this is one factor that really turns some people off to WW, but it's really not a big deal to me. Just a few more things to wash. I am getting pretty good at eye-balling, so I don't always measure, but more often than not I do. It was really helpful in the beginning in helping me to learn portion control.
Reading inspirational websites - I'll share some of these later.
I know I'm going to face some challenges along this journey. At some point in time I might hit a plateau. I'll have to remember to be patient till I get through it. Things may slow down, and at some point I'll probably have to switch around the routine I'm so comfortable with. I'll have to find ways to keep motivated when things aren't so "new" anymore and things slow down. I know that the end is near with my gram, and I know when my grandfather died I was a basket case for a long time. I'm sure I'm going to want to turn to my old ways to comfort myself. I'm still learning NOT to turn to food in times of stress/grief, etc. And at some point in time (which at this point is a long, long way away), I'm going to have to learn to maintain my weight loss. But one thing at a time, I need to get to goal first. ;o) And the part that is unbelievably thrilling, I know I'm going to get there this time.
So that's me, 31.8 pounds lighter.